Latest Episodes

Trial and Error

In Episode 64 of Far From Finished Jace talks about his ever changing relationship with his father. His father was always worried he would get hurt because of his addiction. Thanks to his recovery, they’ve now been able to rebuild their relationship to the point that they now talk a couple times a week.

A Different Kind of Trip

In Episode 63 of Far From Finished Bryce talks about how recovery allowed him to reconnect with his family. He feels that he was able to bring his family together by just making himself better.

How Lew Learned to Cope

In Episode 62 of Far From Finished, Lew talks about working with a counselor and following his advice to help get through the treatment process. In treatment Lew was open-minded towards change and he listened to people who were sober.

More than Just a Fantasy – Listen to Justin’s Story

In Episode 61 of Far From Finished Justin talks about the importance of making a plan while in recovery. He wants control and knows that darkness wants the control back and doesn’t like seeing him successful. He knows he will achieve happiness as long as he doesn’t remain stagnant in his program and practices his steps.

The Joy of Paying It Forward

In Episode 59 of Far From Finished Michele talks about the biggest thing she learned in recovery — you don’t have to be drunk or take pills to have fun. She acknowledges that she finally has joy which she didn’t have before. For her happiness is based on one’s circumstances and joy comes from within. Today Michele has joy.

From Prison to Purpose

In Episode 60 of Far From Finished Darlene talks about the importance of going back to her treatment facility after achieving sobriety. By coming back to the same place that saved her life she was able to learn how to do a 90 in 90 and get a sponsor. Now she’s able to pay it forward and help those who are in a similar situation she previously faced.


Painful Yet Fantastic

In Episode 58 of Far From Finished Caitlin talks about her experience in sober living and how she doesn’t want to leave because her roommate and the other women she lives with are her absolute best friends in the entire world. She would do anything for them and has found real happiness rather than just synthetic euphoria. There was a time she didn’t think that was possible.

Appreciating Life’s Worth

In Episode 57 of Far From Finished Stephanie talks about the significance her mother has had on her life and how she would not be here if it wasn’t for her. Stephanie is now 3,000 miles away from home and doing things on her own which is a huge step for the both of them.

How Nick Learned From His Own Death

In Episode 56 of Far From Finished Nick talks about his early reservations with the 12-Steps. Changing his thinking and working with a sponsor Nick believes 12-step programs are here to make you a better person, and not drinking and not using drugs is just a small part of becoming a better person each day.

Fixing Mistakes Made as a Father in Addiction

In Episode 55 of Far From Finished Chad talks about how sobriety has provided a closer connection with his children. During his addiction his daughter was afraid of him but today she puts her arm around him which brings him joy to his heart. Recovery and the fellowship rooms were able to give him the memories that he has with them today.

Out of the Dark

In Episode 46 of Far From Finished, Andrea talks about the importance of acceptance when it comes to her addiction and recovery. She understands that she’s made a lot of mistakes and she’s evaluating them because she knows she doesn’t want that anymore as it led her to a lot of pain and to some very dark places.

Thinking Clearly Again

In Episode 51 of Far From Finished, Tyler talks about the impact a sponsor has made on her life especially as it pertains to having sober fun during active recovery. She wants the glow and the strength that her sponsor has and Tyler knows that she’s only going to achieve it if she follows the same methods.

Recovery Through Poems

In Episode 50 of Far From Finished Joseph talks about how his poetry, particularly his poem “Talk Ugly” (which is about talking to people when they need to hear it most), has taken him down a path where he has become an advocate for recovery. Active in the recovery industry (working with adults in the industry and treatment centers) Joseph’s words have served as inspiration for others to share their story, create a community and bring light to issues that they are all touched by.

How Teaching Yoga Made Esther Stronger

In Episode 54 of Far From Finished Esther talks about how her yoga training made a significant impact towards achieving her recovery. She found ways to cope with what was going on in her head instead of wanting to drown it out.

The Magic of Support Groups

In Episode 49 of Far From Finished, Patrick talks about how his support group has been one of the most important factors in his recovery. He knows that his support group will always be there for him. Above anything else his support group has their recovery in mind. That’s why they all get along so well.

Having the Courage to Get Help

In Episode 48 of Far From Finished, Chris talks about not knowing where his sobriety is going to take him but liking the track that he’s on. He believes that it’s exciting. He is going to continue to learn, to grow, and do what makes him happy. He knows he’ll always move forward especially with his children.

How Befriending Other Women Gave Samantha Hope

In Episode 47 of Far From Finished, Samantha talks about her experience in sober living and befriending the women there — these women are the same people that she keeps in her life today. Samantha was able to safely open up because these women that she didn’t know, were sharing similar experiences (with relationships and children) she had gone through.

Proof that Your Past Doesn’t Determine Your Future with Jerrod

In Episode 52 of Far From Finished, Jerrod talks about the importance of providing the best treatment possible for those afflicted by addiction. Jerrod believes that providing the best quality of care means assembling the right teams. This means having good therapists and good staff that a client can relate to. It’s all about setting a good tone from the very beginning.

Rising Baseball Star, to Addict, to Recovery Hero

In Episode 45, Terrence talks about his journey from being a rising baseball star with the Montreal Expos, to a homeless addict, and ultimately becoming an expert in the recovery field where he gets to truly help and inspire other people who are struggling with addiction.