Having the Courage to Get Help

In Episode 48 of Far From Finished, Chris talks about not knowing where his sobriety is going to take him but liking the track that he’s on. He believes that it’s exciting. He is going to continue to learn, to grow, and do what makes him happy. He knows he’ll always move forward especially with his children.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived substance use to thrive in recovery. Chris was a father of three who was addicted to heroin. He felt like a ghost living inside this flesh. Chris’s pride and ego convinced him that he could just end his addiction with straight willpower alone. When he finally had to say “enough was enough, I can’t do this on my own,” he thought it was a sign of weakness. He now knows that it was a sign of great courage. He learned that most people don’t have that courage to out themselves, to put their hand out and say they need help.  

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