Recovery Through Poems

In Episode 50 of Far From Finished Joseph talks about how his poetry, particularly his poem “Talk Ugly” (which is about talking to people when they need to hear it most), has taken him down a path where he has become an advocate for recovery. Active in the recovery industry (working with adults in the industry and treatment centers) Joseph’s words have served as inspiration for others to share their story, create a community and bring light to issues that they are all touched by.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived substance use to thrive in recovery. When Joseph went to his first official meeting it helped provide the stability that he needed in his life. It was a poem inspired by a passing of a friend that would change his life forever. Now in active recovery he feels like the weight has been lifted. Through forgiveness, through therapy, through just hearing the stories of so many people and being accepted into so many communities, Joseph’s been able to let that weight go. He feels he does things only out of love. He believes in the idea of empowering people through love as prevention is something that needs to be done through love and care.

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