Goals in Recovery | The Way Out Podcast Episode 171
Parenting in Recovery | The Way Out Podcast Episode 172
Ego in Recovery | The Way Out Podcast Episode 173

Self-Love & Care Vs Selfishness | The Way Out Podcast Episode 174
Jackie LeClair – Healing Through Prayer | The Way Out Podcast Episode 170
The Art of Handling Mistakes in Recovery | The Way Out Podcast Episode 169
This week we’re going to help you better understand the art of handling mistakes in Recovery. We’re going to give you real practical tips and sage spiritual truth that will indeed be the antidote for what’s ailing you, so Listen Up.
Protecting Your Recovery During the Holidays – The Way Out Podcast Episode 167
We’ve got a timely episode for you on Navigating the Holidays in Recovery. We’ve got just the thing for you this Holiday with helpful insights &12 Tips to Stay clean, sober, joyful & Serene all throughout & after this magical time of year. Listen Up.
A.A. Rule Number 62 | Don’t Take Yourself Too….Seriously – The Way Out Podcast Episode 166
This week we’re talking all about Rule 62 of the 12-Step program Alcoholics Anonymous – Don’t take yourself so damn seriously. We’ll share feedback from the Sober and Serious community and take your calls, so Listen Up.
My Recovery Toolbox with Angela Pugh – The Shair Podcast Episode 250
Today we have Angela Pugh, who is an Addiction Interventionist, Recovering Alcoholic, Life and Recovery Coach. She hosts the Addiction Unlimited Podcast and is the founder of Kansas City Recovery. She has been sober since 2006 and knows from experience that the key to lasting sobriety is having a recovery toolbox.
Kate Bee | Sober School Founder Teaches About Recovery – Self Made and Sober Ep43
The Holiday Sobriety Blueprint – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 13
In this episode Jonathan shares some of his own stories and experiences from early sobriety along with simple and effective tips, tools, and tactics to get through the holidays like a champ.
Addressing the Unofficial 13th Step – The Way Out Podcast Episode 165
Nary a topic in Recovery invites more heated discussion and debate than that of Step 13. This week we’re taking controversy head-on as we dedicate an entire episode to the oft-discussed, mostly misunderstood and definitely unofficial Step 13. Listen Up!
Resilience – Soberful Podcast Episode 70
In this episode, Chip and Veronica discuss what resilience is and how it’s never too late to build it. Building resilience is essential to sobriety. We have often had these opportunities stolen from us as children or were just never taught them in the first place.
Movement – Where Is Your Life Going? – Soberful Podcast Episode 68
In this episode, Chip and Veronica take a more in-depth look at what that means. Movement is about using physical exercise to help manage your mental health as well as being purposeful about the direction of your life.
Misery is the Gateway Drug with Claire Rudy Foster – The Shair Podcast Episode 249
Today we have Claire Rudy Foster, who grew up closeted at home and bullied at school. Alcohol was his way of releasing his anger. Claire also wanted to become a famous writer, and getting drunk and loaded on heroin were all part of the romantic artistic persona.
12 Step Series: Step 12 – The Way Out Podcast Episode 164
The Sober Nation with Tim Stoddart – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 12
Today’s guest is Tim Stoddart, the CEO of Stodzy Inc, Owner of Sober Nation and early startup investor. Tim says he comes from a family where everyone is either in recovery or clearly not. He always felt uncomfortable growing up and never felt “cool” with himself. Sports and skateboarding helped for a time, but then drugs and alcohol became the answer. Not long after that Tim made it into treatment, connected with his cousin who was actively involved in NA, and started working a 12 Step program of recovery.
Amy Demone | Battling Anxiety and Growing Without 12 Steps – Self Made and Sober Ep42
Today’s guest is Amy Demone. Amy is a virtual assistant turned marketing operations specialist that works with six-figure coaches that want to take over the world… err, their industry. She’s also the founder and head mentor at Virtually Free®, which is the part of her business that helps current and wannabes virtual assistants grow a business that gives them the freedom and cash flow, that they deserve.
12 Step Series: Step 11 – The Way Out Podcast Episode 163
We’re driving toward the conclusion of our series on the 12 Steps with our focus on Step 11. This episode will give you an understanding of what this Step is, how to work it, and what we can expect once we begin this practice in our own lives, so #ListenUp.
3 Stupid, Disgusting, and Ridiculous Things I Did When I Was Drunk – Sober Guy Radio Ep289
Today, I wanted to lighten things up a bit this week and share some of my not so proud moments of stupidity, disgustingness, and ridiculousness. Listen up and learn how to accept, forgive, redeem, and sometimes laugh at the crazy situations we sometimes find ourselves in.