Today’s guest is Brad Mcleod. At almost 10 years sober Brad opens up about how his struggle to fit in as a kid lead to heroin addiction and extended stays in institutions, jails, and rehabs. After getting clean Brad became an addiction counselor at a residential treatment center for teenagers, which became an important part of his recovery.
The Road to Recovery with Brad Mcleod – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 3
Finding Success in Sobriety with Clifton Gillock – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 2
We have our very first guest, Clifton Gillock, the Co-Founder and Marketing Director at Kicpops. Kicpops is a Houston based popsicle company that has received multiple awards and recently formed a partnership with Landry’s that’s enabled them to sell their product at several major Texas landmarks.
How Did Jonathan Find Sobriety? The Creation of The Sobriety Blueprint – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 1
Host Jonathan Sylvester tells his in-depth addiction story – How a former pain killer addict with a 60 pill a day habit got clean, built a successful fitness business, and started coaching men on how to create quality recovery and become the best version of themselves.
Getting Help For Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Burr Cook talks about what addiction recovery looks like, the steps in getting help and things to expect along the way.