Goals in Recovery | The Way Out Podcast Episode 171

This week’s edition is all about goals. We’ll discuss why goals are so important and beneficial, how we can set & achieve long term goals & perhaps most important how to set goals that are achievable & actually improve your overall well being so Listen Up .

This week’s edition of The Way Out Podcast is all about goals. Round about this time a year, losta folks are starting to implement their goals for the upcoming year, which makes it an ideal time to bring you an informative and enlightening discussion on goals as they specifically relate to recovery and folks like us who are in or contemplating recovery. We’ll discuss why goals are so important and beneficial, how we can set and achieve long term goals if we’re living a one day at a time sober lifestyle, and perhaps most important how to set goals that are actually achievable and actually improve your overall well being and quality of life. Plus we’ll share oodles of feedback from the Sober and Serious community, so Listen Up.