Today we have Angela Pugh, who is an Addiction Interventionist, Recovering Alcoholic, Life and Recovery Coach. She hosts the Addiction Unlimited Podcast and is the founder of Kansas City Recovery. She has been sober since 2006 and knows from experience that the key to lasting sobriety is having a recovery toolbox.
Latest Episodes
My Recovery Toolbox with Angela Pugh – The Shair Podcast Episode 250
Misery is the Gateway Drug with Claire Rudy Foster – The Shair Podcast Episode 249
Today we have Claire Rudy Foster, who grew up closeted at home and bullied at school. Alcohol was his way of releasing his anger. Claire also wanted to become a famous writer, and getting drunk and loaded on heroin were all part of the romantic artistic persona.
ADHD, Recovery, and Addiction with Brian R. King – The Shair Podcast Episode 248
Today we have Brian R. King on The SHAIR Podcast. He grew up with undiagnosed ADHD and Dyslexia, struggled with obesity, lived through cancer, became the father of 3 sons who also have Asperger’s and ADHD, and is now coping with Multiple Sclerosis.
I Got Sober Then I Got Cancer with Kate Coatsworth – The Shair Podcast Episode 247
Today’s guest is Kate Coatsworth, who is part of our SHAIR Sobriety Network and recently celebrated 1000 days in recovery from drugs and alcohol. She has also been battling cancer for the last 7 months, and she is fighting this battle sober.
SRC Guest Spotlight with Arlina Allen – The Shair Podcast Episode 246
Arlina Allen is a writer, the host of the international podcast “The ODAAT Chat Podcast,” and founder of Sober Life School. Sober since 1994, Arlina has been married for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage boys. Today, Arlina joins us live in the SHAIR Recovery Community for an exclusive Q&A with our members!
Fight the New Drug with Garrett Johnson – The Shair Podcast Episode 245
Today’s guest is Garrett Jonsson. Pornography was his secret vice and almost destroyed his marriage. He says that pornography is the new drug and his mission is to raise awareness about its destructive nature.
Addiction Took My Husband, Recovery Saved My Life with Stephanie Pollak – The Shair Podcast Episode 244
Today’s guest is Stephanie Pollak. She spent most of her life believing the world was supposed to make her happy. If she did the right things, life would be good for her.
Whiskey and Vodka with Vincent Pugliese – The Shair Podcast Episode 243
Vincent Pugliese was an incredibly respected and awarded photographer, covering sports events any fan would dream of. The problem was, the media company he worked for never wanted to pay him what he deserved.
A Sober Mom’s Guide to Recovery with Rosemary O’Connor
Rosemary O’Connor is a leading expert and spokesperson on women, children, and addiction. As an author, speaker, and outreach manager for the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation,
Racing for Recovery with Todd Crandell
Todd Crandell is widely recognized as a leading expert on substance abuse. He has overcome a thirteen-year addiction to drugs and alcohol and is the founder of Racing for Recovery, an organization dedicated to preventing all forms of substance abuse and providing positive alternatives for those battling addiction.