Mark Lundholm from Suicide Attempt to Success

Mark Lundholm

Mark Lundholm has performed in all 50 states and 10 foreign countries. From world-renowned musicians, heads of state, Fortune 500 companies to rehabilitation centers and convicted felons, Mark has truly entertained on the world’s stage.  He’s appeared on Comedy Central, Showtime, A&E, CBS, and NBC. Mark wrote and performed his own one-man show off-Broadway in New York City reaching critical acclaim, and in his spare time created the now staple DVD series, Humor in Treatment and the Recovery Board Game.  One thing is clear about Mark Lundholm – he’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Mark Lundholm from Suicide Attempt to Success

Jamie interviews comedian Mark Lundholm. Formerly homeless and living under a bridge, Mark put a gun in his mouth, pulled the trigger and the gun jammed. Now, Mark is a monster is the recovery comedy community and living a sober, inspiring life.

Mark Lundholm has performed in all 50 states and 10 foreign countries. From world-renowned musicians, heads of state, Fortune 500 companies to rehabilitation centers and convicted felons, Mark has truly entertained on the world’s stage.  He’s appeared on Comedy Central, Showtime, A&E, CBS, and NBC. Mark wrote and performed his own one-man show off-Broadway in New York City reaching critical acclaim, and in his spare time created the now staple DVD series, Humor in Treatment and the Recovery Board Game.  One thing is clear about Mark Lundholm – he’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Two notes about this episode: This was my first Facetime interview and for some reason the audio isn’t the quality I would like at points. But fixing it would have taken months so listen to it on a subway or something. And if you are having trouble hearing wait a beat and it should improve momentarily.

Mark is self described as “A guy who is mentally ill that has learned how to market that to pay a lot of child support.”

  • Lot of good stuff in this comprehensive interview including:
  • Why you want your manager to be an asshole.
  • Going to a rehab is like going to a zoo where the cages are open.
  • How comedy helps recovery.
  • Cadillac complaints. If you love what you do it ain’t work.
  • Heckler death threat. The worst heckler ever.
  • Writing for Anthony Robbins


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