This week is all about ourselves. Ehem. Well, to be precise, it’s all about self, which is to say our Egos. Ego is central to who we are as individuals and is the lens in which we view ourselves, others, and the outside world through. The state of our Egos has a whole lot to do with how we treat ourselves and others, and when our Egos are out of whack, our sobriety is too. We’ll do our level best to define Ego and how it affects us in Recovery without going into the proverbial weeds or going down too many rabbit holes, which when we’re talking about a subject such as Ego is certainly easier said than done. We’ll provide you with helpful insight and strategies to keep the ‘ol Ego your Amigo and ensure it doesn’t get to high or too low. Plus we’ll share feedback from the Sober & Serious community and take your calls, so Listen Up.