Russ Perry | The Sober Entrepreneur – Self Made and Sober

Welcome to self made and sober podcast. I’m your host, Andrew Lassise. and with me today is the sober entrepreneur Russ Perry, the creator, founder of design pickle, which is an awesome concept where companies I know for myself, I’ve had issues where I need, I need to get designs done, I need a creative person.

Welcome to self made and sober podcast. I’m your host, Andrew Lassise. and with me today is the sober entrepreneur Russ Perry, the creator, founder of design pickle, which is an awesome concept where companies I know for myself, I’ve had issues where I need, I need to get designs done, I need a creative person. I don’t want to hire somebody full time necessarily, but I still need things when I need things. And he’s able to identify that bridge that gap and have lower retainers and still be able to get the images and designs that your company needs to grow. So you can look professional without having to have somebody on staff is the author of the server entrepreneur, which I think literally off that title alone gives him the leverage to be the perfect guest on the show.