Mother Shares How She Lost Her Daughter, Megan, to a Heroin Overdose
Mother Shares How She Lost Her Daughter, Megan, to a Heroin Overdose
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Sponsor shout out – Big thank you to all of the families out there that have been supporting Rise & Grind. Thank you for not only helping to sponsor our recovery radio show but more importantly for helping to give a voice to the ones that we have lost or for those that are still struggling today. We are stronger together!
- In the first half, Anthony Alvarado invites Wisconsin advocate, Bev Kelley-Miller, into the studio to shine light on the recent overdose deaths in the Fox Valley, where she explains the importance of getting those who are struggling help by providing more access to support & other services such as detox and assisted medicated treatment.
- Co-host, Adam Racette, also speaks about the & how his efforts with musicians are helping to fight the nation’s drug epidemic. Check out the site now for more information!
- In the second half, Bev Kelley-Miller, shares a mother’s biggest fear as she explains how she lost her beautiful daughter, Megan, to a herion overdose at an early age of 22. She stresses the importance of sharing her voice and how that is now helping to save others throughout her community. She also educates our audience on preventable resources that parents can use if they have a loved one that is suffering from addiction. If you have any questions, you can contact her by email:
Episode Call to Action:
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Rise & Grind episodes now available on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, via our blog/feed, News Talk 97.5 FM & 1360 am on Sunday’s 11:30 am. You can also catch shows via our social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.