How Sobriety Gave Me The Tools For Fatherhood


In Episode 21, Chris talks about his recovery and how he uses his story to offer hope to those who are struggling with addiction today. 

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived addiction to thrive in recovery. In Episode 21, Chris talks about how getting drunk was the cure for all his problems. He wanted the feeling of not feeling. He thought the news of being a father would give him purpose and get his life back on track but it was not to be, as he could not stop his substance abuse. In and out of treatment, Chris described his life post relapse as a nightmare. With the help of his mother who was newly sober, Chris found the help he needed and is now in active recovery where he is able to have strong relationships with his family — most importantly with his son.

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