Kylie’s Dark Journey Through Addiction


In Episode 24 Kylie talks about her very dark journey through addiction since the age of 15, and how she learned to take it one step, one moment, one day at a time. 

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived addiction to thrive in recovery. In Episode 24, Kylie talks about how since the age of 15, there’s never been a time where any problem she had wasn’t solved with either alcohol or a drug. She ultimately realized that if she kept doing what she was doing she would continue spinning in an endless circle — going to detox to temporarily feel better, then quickly back to drugs and alcohol. To this day, she sometimes gets frustrated to the point of crying because she doesn’t know who she is without alcohol. Through her experiences in treatment, she knows that she has to take it one day at a time. According to Kylie, she’s not making any promises about tomorrow, next week or even next year. Just today.

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