How I Learned To Ask For Help


In Episode 27, Joe talks about how asking for help with his addiction was the smartest decision he’s ever made.  For Joe it doesn’t make you less of a person, it makes you a much stronger person to be able to ask for that helping hand.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived addiction to thrive in recovery. In Episode 27, Joe talks about how his alcohol abuse spiraled downhill once he turned 21.  He drank every day, once he was able to get alcohol whenever he wanted. His drinking stopped being something he did to  party and it became more of a necessity. He had lost everything (his job, his home and savings) due to his alcohol abuse. He knew he had to get help but prior to going to treatment he felt like nothing could ever help him repair what he had become. For Joe, going to treatment was a godsend. It has given him the presence of mind to handle situations more thoughtfully whereas before he tried to resolve everything by having a drink. Most importantly it really opened his eyes to the idea that you do not have to do it alone, there is help out there. Joe talks about how asking for help with his addiction was the smartest decision he’s ever made. For him, it doesn’t make you less of a person, it makes you a much stronger person to be able to ask for that helping hand.

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