Family Matters: Julia’s Story Pt. 2
American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived addiction to thrive in recovery. In Part 2 of Episode 43, Julia talks about how once she achieved a year in sobriety, she made the decision to never drink again no matter what was going on in her life. She also made the effort to sit down with her children to talk to and educate them about alcoholism. It was important for Julia to work on fixing her marriage, her grief, and herself. She was only 37 at the time so she knew she had a lot of time left, and this period allowed her to pause and reflect on those parts of her life that were going wrong at the time. While in recovery Julia was able to provide for her family and pay it forward when they needed her, and through her online support group, Julia has been a guiding light for women who have gone through similar situations. Julia understands that it’s important to keep smiling, hold space and stay positive. Today Julia has a good life. She has her husband and her three adult kids by her side. She’s 53 years old and still has a lot of living to do. She doesn’t regret anything because for her recovery is where you are finally living again and living out loud.