How I Became Unstuck, Unashamed, And Honest


In Episode 28, Cameron talks about how treatment has given him a new outlook on life — from not being ashamed of the things that he’s done in the past, to coming to the realization that nothing is going to be beneficial to his recovery unless he’s honest about everything.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) presents “Far From Finished,” a weekly podcast that shares the real-life stories of people who survived addiction to thrive in recovery. In Episode 28, Cameron talks about how when he was in active addiction, his mother said that he was one of the most selfish people that she knew. He had difficulty starting any real relationships or friendships — he had nothing of substance because of his secret addiction. For many years he was stuck in the middle of wanting to be in recovery and not actually moving forward to get the help he needed. The disconnect with his family, coupled with his own insecurities, finally drove him to the point where he knew he had to change his life. While he’s been to treatment multiple times, his most recent trip changed his entire mindset due to the understanding and compassion given to him. Today, Cameron is finding out every day who he is and who he is becoming. It’s an experience that leaves him beyond overjoyed.

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