How Narcan Is Saving Lives: Emily Metz, Project DAWN


Greg interviews Emily Metz, program coordinator at Project DAWN, an opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) program. The acronym DAWN stands for “deaths avoided with naloxone,” and that’s exactly what the program accomplishes. Naloxone, also known as narcan, is the antidote to any type of opiate overdose. The program distributes naloxone kits for free to those who need them, and it also educates community members on how to recognize and respond to an overdose.

Greg interviews Emily Metz, program coordinator at Project DAWN, an opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) program. The acronym DAWN stands for “deaths avoided with naloxone,” and that’s exactly what the program accomplishes. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is the antidote to any type of opiate overdose. The program distributes naloxone kits for free to those who need them, and it also educates community members on how to recognize and respond to an overdose.

Project DAWN started as a pilot program out of the Ohio Department of Health. The first Project DAWN was established in Portsmouth, OH, in Scioto County, to deal with the prescription drug abuse crisis there. The program’s success led to its adoption in numerous locations around the state of Ohio. (See the full list here for a Project DAWN location near you.)

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