Finding Hope in the Darkness: Ted St. John, Director of Operations First Step Recovery


Ted talks about the shame of those who relapse and how they can learn from the hardship of relapsing. “When I see that look on their face, I cut right to the chase. Dude, let that go. This becomes part of your story. You had to prove some stuff to yourself,” says Ted. “Whatever you weren’t willing to do last time, do it. Get with your counselor or your sponsor and make the adjustment. That is part of this process. We all get here differently, man. We have to stop looking at it as better or worse. It’s different. That’s it.”

Greg talks with Ted St. John, the Director of Operations at First Step Recovery. First Step Recovery is substance addiction detox center located in Warren, Ohio. Ted himself is a recovering addict who has struggled with opioid and alcohol addiction.

Ted has faced several addictions in his life thus far, one of those being alcoholism. “I was in alcohol rehab previously at 18 years old while serving in the military in South Korea. I had three alcohol related incidents in the first three months of being there. I was like a functional shell. I would lose consciousness of self and still function,” says Ted. “That’s where drug use began. I was tired of being constantly confronted about alcohol use. I began to supplement the effects of alcohol use with drug use. It was less detectable and I had less consequences.”

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