Choosing Recovery Housing: Denny Wilson, F I Community Housing


Denny founded F I Community Housing in 1995. Today, it’s Ohio’s largest peer-operated recovery community. Denny’s past informs his present mission in fighting the opioid epidemic: by the age of 25, he was addicted to several drugs, including heroin, crack cocaine, and alcohol.

Denny founded F I Community Housing in 1995. Today, it’s Ohio’s largest peer-operated recovery community. Denny’s past informs his present mission in fighting the opioid epidemic: by the age of 25, he was addicted to several drugs, including heroin, crack cocaine, and alcohol. After he went through a 21-day recovery program, Denny was awarded a 14-day stay in a sober house. He came under the wing of a mentor who created a safe space and gave him hope. “He was the world’s first recovery coach, to me,” Denny says. “He asked me one key question. What is it that you want?”

Denny tried to give his mentor the answers he felt he had been programmed for—that he wanted to get his life together, get a nice house, a good job, a nice car. But that wasn’t the real issue. Denny explains, “He looked me dead in the eyes and said, ‘No, what do you really want?’ That’s when I broke down and said, you know what, I want my wife and kids back. I want to have a relationship with my mom and my dad and my sisters and my brothers.”

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