In this episode Jonathan shares some of his own stories and experiences from early sobriety along with simple and effective tips, tools, and tactics to get through the holidays like a champ.
Latest Episodes
The Holiday Sobriety Blueprint – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 13
The Sober Nation with Tim Stoddart – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 12
Today’s guest is Tim Stoddart, the CEO of Stodzy Inc, Owner of Sober Nation and early startup investor. Tim says he comes from a family where everyone is either in recovery or clearly not. He always felt uncomfortable growing up and never felt “cool” with himself. Sports and skateboarding helped for a time, but then drugs and alcohol became the answer. Not long after that Tim made it into treatment, connected with his cousin who was actively involved in NA, and started working a 12 Step program of recovery.
Entrepreneurs in Recovery with Jesse Harless – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 11
Today’s guest is Jesse Harless. Jesse says his addiction started at birth. It didn’t matter if it was gaming, drugs, or alcohol it all felt like the solution. He said he hit all the “jackpots” – getting caught plagiarizing, failing at of college, and then getting in the legal trouble that eventually led Jesse to find recovery. Jesse was ordered to serve probation and go to 12 Steps meetings.
Breaking The Chains of Addiction with Omar Pinto – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 10
Today’s guest is Omar Pinto. At 31 years old Omar was heavily addicted to cocaine and alcohol. His wife was pregnant at the time, he was running his business into the ground, and his friends had had enough. That’s when he was guided into the rooms of Narcotics Anonymous.e said, “I remember feeling real hope and saying to myself, I think these guys can help me.” Omar grabbed a sponsor, worked the steps, started doing service work, and eventually started to sponsor other men.
Self-Made and Sober with Andrew Lassise – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 9
Today’s guest is Andrew Lassise who sober in 2013 he found himself stuck working in a restaurant even though he had a finance degree and a serious passion for tech. Andrew also provides financial and business coaching as well as hosts the Self-Made and Sober Podcast. He views the podcast as about of necessity for like-minded people trying to maintain sobriety while achieving more in their lives, whether it be personal, in business or spiritual.
Supplements for Sobriety & The 12 Daily Rules for Recovery with Jeff Simone – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 8
Today’s guest is Jeff Simone, a clinical pharmacist, advanced nutritional supplements adviser, and the founder of Reaction Recovery. Reaction Recovery is an addiction recovery consulting service designed for individuals who do not currently have access to formalized long-term treatment, do not wish to enroll in long-term treatment, or have completed a treatment program and are looking for a periodic review of their daily recovery routine. A vital part of the Reaction Recovery treatment plan is what Jeff has termed The 12 Daily Rules for Recovery.
Inside The Huddle with Alton Voss – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 7
Today’s guest is a former NFL prospect Alton Voss appeared to have a promising career ahead of him, but it was derailed by his drug addiction. After going to rehab, he was able to find redemption and get a second chance to play the game he loves. He finished his college career at Grand Valley State University where he also earned his Bachelor’s Degree. His inspiring story has received national attention from several media outlets including Sports Illustrated, The 700 Club, and The Jim Rome Show.
Health, Fitness and The 12 Step Connection with Tom Shanahan – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 6
Today’s guest is Tom Shanahan. Over 8 years ago Tom’s substance abuse and the stresses of being a trial attorney landed him in treatment where he was introduced to the 12 Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. He immediately recognized the importance of health and fitness in his own sobriety journey, which lead Tom to write the book, “Spiritual Adrenaline: A Lifestyle Plan to Nourish and Strengthen Your Recovery.”
Building a 7-Figure Business in Sobriety with Brad Jensen – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 5
Today’s guest is Brad Jensen. At almost 7 years clean and sober, Brad has seen some pretty dark days but with the gift of desperation and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, he now gets to enjoy the many gifts that sobriety has brought into his life.
The Rise of The Alcohol-Free Bar with Chris Marshall – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 4
Today we have Chris Marshall. Chris’ addiction started at a young age and he admits that his drinking was abnormal from the very start. After getting sober in 2007 and working in the treatment industry, Chris founded Sans Bar, a non-alcoholic bar where people can gather, socialize, and grow as a community whether they are in recovery or not.
The Road to Recovery with Brad Mcleod – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 3
Today’s guest is Brad Mcleod. At almost 10 years sober Brad opens up about how his struggle to fit in as a kid lead to heroin addiction and extended stays in institutions, jails, and rehabs. After getting clean Brad became an addiction counselor at a residential treatment center for teenagers, which became an important part of his recovery.
Finding Success in Sobriety with Clifton Gillock – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 2
We have our very first guest, Clifton Gillock, the Co-Founder and Marketing Director at Kicpops. Kicpops is a Houston based popsicle company that has received multiple awards and recently formed a partnership with Landry’s that’s enabled them to sell their product at several major Texas landmarks.
How Did Jonathan Find Sobriety? The Creation of The Sobriety Blueprint – Sobriety Blueprint Podcast Episode 1
Host Jonathan Sylvester tells his in-depth addiction story – How a former pain killer addict with a 60 pill a day habit got clean, built a successful fitness business, and started coaching men on how to create quality recovery and become the best version of themselves.