Latest Episodes

Alcohol & Pop Culture Ep 3 – Are You Being Brainwashed?

Can your favorite music brainwash you into drinking? We look deeper into the many ways that our everyday world is shaping our drinking habits. From TV and movies to sports and social media, you’ll be surprised how many things may be influencing how much you drink.

Alcohol & Pop Culture Ep 2 – Whiskey Dick & Party Culture

Why do people drink alcohol? Is being a weekend warrior as dangerous as being a regular heavy drinker? And what’s the deal with whiskey dick? Dr. Olivier George explains all the important things you need to know before you head out for a weekend binge.

Alcohol & Pop Culture Ep 1 – The Dangers of Drinking

These days, we can find almost any reason to drink. But, what kind of consequences are our bodies suffering because of this culture of drinking? I sat down with Dr. Olivier George, a neuroscientist specializing in drugs and addiction, to find out.