Sobriety Has Given Me the Strength to Pick Up My Guitar Again

I Used To Think I Couldn't Perform Unless I Was High

I am an addict. I am also a writer, a poet, a musician, and artist.

I haven’t picked up a pen or a guitar in two years. Today, I have released my poem in years.

Sobriety Has Given Me the Strength to Pick Up My Guitar Again

When I went to rehab, I abruptly stopped writing, performing and recording. I associated my art with drugs and alcohol and it just didn’t seem fun anymore.

I miss it. I feel like I am in a good place to pick it back up.

This piece is the first thing I have written, recorded or released in over 2 years. It is also my first time recording Spoken Word. My resume includes some great work, but “Saved” is hands down the best work I have ever done. I hope it speaks to you like it spoke to me. Much love and respect.

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Brought To You By Sober Nation Clothing

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