Today we have Chris Marshall. Chris’ addiction started at a young age and he admits that his drinking was abnormal from the very start. After getting sober in 2007 and working in the treatment industry, Chris founded Sans Bar, a non-alcoholic bar where people can gather, socialize, and grow as a community whether they are in recovery or not.

Chris’ addiction started at a young age and he admits that his drinking was abnormal from the very start.
After getting sober in 2007 and working in the treatment industry, Chris founded Sans Bar, a non-alcoholic bar where people can gather, socialize, and grow as a community whether they are in recovery or not.
Sans Bar grew from an idea and small gathering of friends into a permanent location in Austin, TX that has gained national recognition in the media and recovery community.
When Chris was asked what could be expected from walking into Sans Bar on a Friday night he said, “The first thing you’ll get is a greeting from behind the bar, the second thing you’ll notice is that the music is never too loud because we believe that the real product we’re serving is connection, and before we even talk about money you’ll get a drink in your hand.”
He also goes on to say that although many people in recovery feel like a sober bar might not be for them, it’s really a great opportunity to fellowship with others in recovery and practice attraction rather than promotion.
This type of atmosphere may be another path to recovery for those who are “sober curious”
Chris has recently taken Sans Bar on the road with a nationwide tour that includes more than 9 major in the U.S. and Canada and has some big plans in the works.
You can learn more about Chris, the Sans Bar, and the national tour by visiting TheSansBar.com
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