“Sober Mommy” with Kayla Greenhalge, shit from my everyday life.


Kayla Greenhalge joins us today on The SHAIR Podcast. Kayla is the Founder of Sober Mommy Blog on Recovery and Addiction. She has also had articles featured on addictionblog.org and thefix.com. Kayla is part of the destigmatization of addiction movement.

Kayla entered recovery on May 13, 2011. All of 2011 is what led up to this final try.

“Sober Mommy” with Kayla Greenhalge, shit from my everyday life.

My mom got there by 11 pm. She brought me to Norwood Hospital and told me to tell them what I told her.. I SHOUTED to the intake lady “IF YOU DO NOT HELP ME I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF.” This got me put into a ward of people in the ER that were on 24-hour watch. It was awful. There was a lady across the hall severely mentally Ill. Still, years later, I feel sorry for this woman.

I will never forget the look on my mother’s face when the toxicology reports came back. .34 blood alcohol level and every single drug was in my system (except for methamphetamines and bath salts). She was so horrified. She knew I had a problem but not to what extent.

They told us that crisis could not see me until my BAC was under .08, we were going to be here for a while. They gave me fluids to flush out my system and some meds to sleep. I told my mother she could leave; she didn’t.

24 hours later we were seen by crisis and a new life was about to begin, my mom wheeled me up until the doors locked behind me. Leaving me on one side and her on another. I cried, she cried. It hurt. But it was the first day of my new life.

Join us now as Kayla walks us through her journey into recovery…

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