SHAIR 93: “Finding the Light Within” with Robert Hammond, Addiction, Recovery and Spirituality!


Robert is an author, a writer and a consultant.He was also a dope fiend for many years where he lost everything, jobs, relationships, and his self-respect. Addicted to heroin, heading to prison, suffering from depression and a host of physical ailments, Robert Hammond was literally on death’s door. Writing transformed his life and he has seen it transform the lives of countless others.

SHAIR 93: “Finding the Light Within” with Robert Hammond, Addiction, Recovery and Spirituality!

As part of his treatment plan, Robert’s counselor arranged for him to write out his moral inventory in the form of a memoir. For more than an hour a day he poured out all my thoughts and memories. The result was a catharsis that led to emotional healing and spiritual insight.  Writing transformed his life and he has seen it transform the lives of countless others. Stories heal. Stories change lives.

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