Atheists, Agnostics, and Addiction Recovery with Joe C.

What might a higher power look like for atheists or agnostics?

Joe C. is here to shed some light on atheists and agnostics, and how they understand the Twelve Steps and succeed without the belief in a supernatural higher power.

Atheists, Agnostics, and Addiction Recovery with Joe C.

What might a higher power look like for atheists or agnostics?

Joe C. was a teenage alcoholic and drug user who almost died several times before he was brought to Alcoholics Anonymous. There, he went through all the motions, but eventually took his sobriety seriously and has been active in Twelve Steps ever since.

Joe C. writes, broadcasts, and podcasts (RebellionDogs) about addiction/recovery & mental health. He is also the author of Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life.

Joe C. is here to shed some light on atheists and agnostics, and how they understand the Twelve Steps and succeed without the belief in a supernatural higher power.

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