Your Brain on Drugs Ep 2 – Overdose, Heart Attacks, and Blackouts

Dr. Ben Romoli, a neuroscientist studying drug addiction, explains why opioids like heroin and painkillers cause so many overdose deaths; why stimulants like Adderall, cocaine, or meth put your heart at risk; and why depressants like alcohol and benzodiazepines can cause blackouts when you’re using and seizures when you quit.

Your Brain on Drugs Ep 2 – Overdose, Heart Attacks, and Blackouts

What really happens when someone takes a drug? What’s going on in their brain to produce such wild effects? And what’s so weird about hallucinogens? We sat down with Dr. Scott Salomone, a resident in psychiatry, and Dr. Ben Romoli, a neuroscience drug researcher, to talk about why some drugs are deadly and what can happen to your brain and body if you fall into a pattern of abuse. Can your brain ever recover from the damage? Tune in to find out!

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