9 Popular Drug Myths Ep 1 – Heroin, Alcohol, and The Addiction “Cure”

Can you get addicted to heroin the first time you use it? Isn’t alcohol only dangerous if you’re addicted to it? Aren’t addicts cured after rehab? We’ve heard these myths many times, but is there any truth to them? Tune in to find out!

9 Popular Drug Myths Ep 1 – Heroin, Alcohol, and The Addiction “Cure”

Does ecstasy really cause holes in your brain? Can you get addicted to heroin after only one use? How does marijuana cure cancer–or does it? Drugs have always been surrounded by myth and folklore. Some of these have an element of truth to them, but others are simply dangerous lies. We decided to investigate the evidence (or lack of) behind 9 common drug myths to see if the rumors circulating are based in fact or fiction.

For more information about Let’s Talk Drugs, visit ProjectKnow.com.

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